
The Baybee's Here!!!!

It all started a week before the baybee was born. The doctor told us to "Get Weady!!!" The baby was coming out by next thrusday. Momma said, "It has to be after 6 because that's the time we close the office." So my momma called everybody; my grandma from Detroit and my grandma from Texas! Everybody came rushing in. So on Tuesday night, we had to go pick up my grandma from Texas, but we couldn't find her! We walked through the whhooollllleeee aeroport looking for her. My momma did so much walking, that her tummy started hurting! So the next day we went to the doctor and they made my momma stay at the hospital. Then my momma started getting gas in her tummy and it started hurting(she called it baby cramps?). That night my great auntie, Petra, and uncle Gerardo came to visit my momma and met my grandma from Texas. Then, later on that night, my great auntie Linda came to visit my momma too!!! It was getting really late so my grandma, daddy and I stood the night with momma.

So that night it was horrible! My momma was yelling all over the place. Then at 8 in the morning the doctor pointed at me and said, "THAT BABY IS WEADY TO COME OUT!!!" So then they were propping up my momma to get the epidural in her and then something went wrong! They said the poor baby wasn't snorkling right and she couldnt get enough air! So 10 people came in and put my momma on a cart and rushed her away! So I quickly told daddy, "look after my grandma!" I jump under one of the doctor's coat and followed my momma! They took us to this big woom and put a bowl on my momma face and I guess it smelt bad cause she knocked out! That's when they put a knife to momma's tummy and that's when they took mozzerelli out! (Mozzerrelli means baybee from now on, that's her official name.) Anyways, like I was saying, all i memember seeing was red, then I fainted. when I woke up, I was inside an in-cue-bator (where they put baybee politos). I looked to my left and there was a wittle baybee! Before i could say hi, the doctor came rushing in again! Now this time my grandma fainted!!! So my daddy went to go check on her! So we got our own room when my momma woke up and my momma officially named her Catalina Jorani Carrillo! We stayed at the hospital a total of 4 days! And during that time, all my family came to see us! It was a very hard experience, but it paid off in the end. All T can say is I wuv my baybee sister!!! I put some of her pictures up so you guys can atest to her beauty!

Thank You for reading my story! There will be more to come soon!

Bobiyo! Bobiyo! Who is it? IT'S BOBIYO!


A Special Note From My Mommy!

Catalina was born under an emergency c-section. A rare occurance had taken place during her development inside the womb. She was born with a two vessel umbilical cord. A normal umbilical cord has 3 vessel: 2 vessel and 1 vein. She only had one artery and and a vein, so when she was about to be born, there was some complications. Since she only had two vessel, she wasn't getting enough oxygen. Her heart rate dropped around midnight, fortunately they were able to stablized her heart rate. It occured again at 8 in the morning, but this time they were not able to stablize her so they had to perform the c-section. Fortuately nothing happened to her.



Liz P said...


Cameron Hernandez said...

Too cute. I agree with Liz, it gets a little difficult to read.

Gerardo Castillo said...

Josh- you missing three more families: Fuentes, Castillo and Hernandez. How much do we have to pay you to be on your blog? ha ha ha

Liz P said...

post more pics!

Anonymous said...

hey cha cha what's this? i was looking through my junk and i found this bye cha cha,catilina looks cool