
Baybee Chower!!!

Sorry for the log haitus of blogging however my papa got sick during the Holidays (Christmas, New Years and China New Years), so I've been taking care of him since then and no major holidays have passed since then so this is the next biggest event in my life!

Well as you guys know I am expecting a wittle sister!!! So my auntie Carmelita threw my mommie a baybee chower. It started at five but lots of the family were working due to tax season, but we were able to take the day off. There was sandwiches, cake, sodas, mimi juice (beer and wine as the grown ups call it), and a few games. My grandma was there, also grand auntie Petra and Gerado (Jeh-rar-doh) among others. My baby sister got lots of diapers and wipes, thats good cause I poo poo a lot and can use them too. It was a close family thing so no strangers were there so it was okay and cozy. Also, my two cusins were there, Dillian who was weally cute and good behaved and that bad ass Ricky who belongs to his mom Rosario ( Camelita had to kick him out cause he was too rowdy). Other than the little kids, it went through pretty good.

Well that seems to rap it up, and as always I added a few pics AND a video so you can see the mood and setting the party was in, he he he, dancing baby... he he he...


Bo bo bo bo bo bobiyo!!!


Cameron Hernandez said...

Bryant was there too. I would have kicked him out, but he lives there! ha ha.

Unknown said...

hi it's lina I was like omg when I saw dis